Here today

Hear tomorrow

The secret of getting ahead is getting started

Mark Twain

Make the investors HEAR you
Make the investors

Hear you


HEAR-ir offers specialised consultancy services in the field of Investor Relations, Corporate Finance, PR and Financial Communication, to listed and unlisted companies interested in improving their communication towards the market, the Media and the Financial Community as a whole, through specific and sustainable IR and Media Plans, and/or during special business moments and extraordinary transactions.

Services and Counselling

Financial Communication Support


HEAR-ir addresses the highly specialised investor relations market and helps companies understand and extrapolate their true potential by creating the best communication strategies to increase share visibility, while selecting the best potential investors.


HEAR-ir is a Financial Communication and Corporate Finance Advisor (or "Counsellor"), in both primary and secondary market transactions (IPO, OPA, OPS), capital increases and M&A activities.


We work with our clients to seek out key investors and maintain an ongoing dialogue with existing shareholders in order to maximise corporate value.


HEAR-ir supports its clients in managing their complex relationships with all their stakeholders, thereby contributing to the optimisation of the quality of strategic decisions, both at corporate and business level.


Thanks to important experience and know-how in guiding clients through difficult moments of crisis or market uncertainties, we are able to offer specific consultancy aimed at the constant improvement of corporate reputation (or recovery of the same - if applicable).

Why HEAR-ir?


We are familiar with the fundamental principles that regulate markets and Corporate Finance, Investor Relations, and Governance, and any other regulations related to the hemisphere of listed companies. In addition to this, we try to be continuously updated on any other specific regulations or legislation, also depending on the sectors and clients we follow.


We are familiar with the fundamental principles that regulate markets and Corporate Finance, Investor Relations, and Governance, and any other regulations related to the hemisphere of listed companies. In addition to this, we try to be continuously updated on any other specific regulations or legislation, also depending on the sectors and clients we follow.


At HEAR-ir we have studied the fundamentals of IR at the Italian, UK and EU level, as well as the basics of US GAAP and other American principles.


We are able to identify different types of shares and shareholders, as well as financial ratios, different valuation methods, and investment analysis.


We are familiar with ethical principles and professional standards, including the whole world of ESG factors – Environmental, Social, Governance.


Working as an ‘extension’ of our clients, we offer objective advice based on professional integrity.


We are familiar with ethical principles and professional standards, including the whole world of ESG factors – Environmental, Social, Governance.


Working as an ‘extension’ of our clients, we offer objective advice based on professional integrity.


At HEAR-ir we have studied the fundamentals of IR at the Italian, UK and EU level, as well as the basics of US GAAP and other American principles.


We are able to identify different types of shares and shareholders, as well as financial ratios, different valuation methods, and investment analysis.


We are familiar with ethical principles and professional standards, including the whole world of ESG factors – Environmental, Social, Governance.


Working as an ‘extension’ of our clients, we offer objective advice based on professional integrity.


Nulla è permanente tranne che il cambiamento.


Imparare non stanca mai la mente.

Leonardo da Vinci

Un linguaggio diverso è una diversa visione della vita.

Federico Fellini

Saper ascoltare significa possedere, oltre al proprio, il cervello degli altri.

Leonardo da Vinci

Io sto ancora imparando.


Esiste un solo bene, la conoscenza, ed un solo male, l'ignoranza.


The art of communication is the language of leadership.

James Hume

Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

Anton Chekhov

Your value will be not what you know; it will be what you share.

Ginni Rometty

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Warren Buffett

Dream in a pragmatic way.

Aldous Huxley

Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.

Oscar Wilde

The only source of knowledge is experience.

Albert Einstein

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Henry Ford

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

Steve Jobs


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